Particles Heaven FX
One Plugin - One million effects and more
Particles Heaven is a revolutionary and completely new particle emitter system for Motion, Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Pro X and Final Cut Express. Particles Heaven is not a set of templates for Motion's own particle system. Particles Heaven is in fact the first real FxPlug particle emitter plugin ever for Motion, Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Pro X and Final Cut Expess. It is loaded with a huge set of controls, making it possible to create a vast amount of ever different looking effects. With Particles Heaven you can create any kind of particle effect imaginable.
Particles Heaven is the first ever cascadable FxPlug plugin. This feature makes it possible to produce trails and smoke, trigger explosions at any point of time of the life of a particle, create sparkles along the way and much more. The main features: Real-Time Preview - Particles Heaven is highly optimized and therefore enables you to interactively setup your particles effect on-the-fly. 8bit and 16bit support - High quality render is guaranteed with Particles Heaven's high precision render algorithm. Use Clips as a particle Texture - You can use plain images and clips/videos as a particle texture. Clips can also be used as an image pool to make each particle look different. Independent particles - All particles are completely independent from each other. Each particle receives a full set of characteristics on its birth, leaving all other particles unaffected. Even such parameters like speed-over-life, color-over-life and size-over-life (and so on) are part of each particle's data-set and therefore can be keyframed at any time. Cascade up to 20 emitters - Each particle can trigger another emitter at any time. New particles can be triggered at a certain age of a particle, at its death, randomly and periodically. The newly created particles can inherit several characteristics to make them look similar and behave like their "mother". Keyframe everything - All parameters of Particles Heaven are fully keyframeable. Because of the fact that all particles are completely independent from each other and that each particle receives its characteristics at its birth, no strange effects happen to a particle when any parameter is modified or keyframed. Emit particles from images - Particles Heaven is able to emit particles from images. This enables you to create (for example) sparkling or glowing effects around all kind of shapes. Advanced physics - The real-time engine of Particles Heaven is capable to calculate gravitation and wind and also takes air friction into account. Turbulence - Particles Heaven offers many ways to distort the path of a particle. Turbulence, Swirl and Swirl-over-life are some of them. Motion depending emission - Particles Heaven can detect if the position of the emitter has changed and emit more or less particles depending on its speed. Global Position Control - You can setup one emitter as a master emitter and control many other emitters along with it. Bounce on walls - Particles can bounce on walls and trigger new particles of another emitter. Each wall has its own set of characteristics that define what happens to a particle when it hits a wall. Particles can speed up or slowed down on impact, trigger other emitters and can even pass through a wall to trigger even another particle emitter. Magnets and Black Holes - Particles can be attracted or repelled my magnets and can even be caught in an orbit around a magnet. Black holes attract particles and eat them up when they come too close. What can you create with Particles Heaven ?
Due to the nature of such a complex particle emitter, the possibilities are only limited to your imagination. |
Demo clips (click to play clip):
A pot on fire
Particles emitted from an image
Animated 3D particle textures
Reveal a logo
Fire and smoke
Fireworks with bright sparkles
Motion depending particle emission
Custom particle textures
Particles that create new particles